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Jodidio, Philip
Zaha Hadid. Complete Works 1979–Today
2022 г.; Изд-во: TASCHEN

Zaha Hadid was a revolutionary architect. For years, she was widely acclaimed and won numerous prizes despite building practically nothing. Some even said her work was simply impossible to build. Yet, during the latter years of her life, Hadid's daring vi...


состояние: как новое   4500 руб

Jodidio, Philip
Ando. Complete Works 1975–Today
2019 г.; Изд-во: TASCHEN

Discover the completely unique aesthetic of Tadao Ando, the only architect ever to have won the discipline's four most prestigious prizes: the Pritzker, Carlsberg, Praemium Imperiale, and Kyoto Prize. Philippe Starck defines him as a "mystic in a count...


состояние: как новое   4500 руб

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Askenazy, Ludvik; Lukas, Jan: Wir Menschenkinder 
состояние: хорошее 800 руб
Askenazy, Ludvik; Lukas, Jan
Wir Menschenkinder
1960 г.; Изд-во: ARTIA
Книга представляет собой альбом известного чешского фотографа Яна Лукаса в сопровождении текста чешского писателя, драматурга, журналиста и сценариста Людвика Ашкенази.

Muench, David: New Mexico II 
состояние: как новое 2000 руб
Muench, David
New Mexico II
1996-2000 г.; Изд-во: Portland Oregon: Graphic Arts Center
Photography by David Muench. Foreword by Frederick Turner. Printed in the USA.

Hill, Tim; Clayton, Marie: The Beatles Unseen Archives 
состояние: хорошее 7590 руб
Hill, Tim; Clayton, Marie
The Beatles Unseen Archives
2000 г.; Изд-во: Parragon
With 600 fabulous photographs selected from the archives of the Daily Mail, "The Beatles: Unseen Archives", comprehensively chronicles the heady years in which the group bestrode the world like a Colossus. The collection includes over 200 photographs f...

[автора нет]: Die kompletten Pirelli-Kalender: 40 Jahre in einem Band 1964-2004 
состояние: отличное 1000 руб
[автора нет]
Die kompletten Pirelli-Kalender: 40 Jahre in einem Band 1964-2004
2004 г.; Изд-во: Muenchen: Schirmer/Mosel
Ein Kultobjekt wird vierzig! Der Pirelli-Kalender, seit 1964 das begehrteste Sammlerstück seiner Art und nur wenigen Auserwählten zugänglich –- er war und ist noch heute ein Werbegeschenk und nicht käuflich zu erwerben -–, feiert se...

Lazovic, Miroslav: Icones: Dune collection privee 
состояние: отличное 299 руб
Lazovic, Miroslav
Icones: Dune collection privee
1974 г.; Изд-во: Geneve: Musee Dart et Dhistoire

[автора нет]: Sieger der Geschichte. Живопись, графика, скульптура 
состояние: хорошее 490 руб
[автора нет]
Sieger der Geschichte. Живопись, графика, скульптура
1969 г.; Изд-во: Verlag Tribune Berlin
Альбом на немецком языке. Живопись, графика, скульптура. 359 иллюстраций,

Stelzer, G.: Kunst am Bau 
состояние: отличное 100 руб
Stelzer, G.
Kunst am Bau
1969 г.; Изд-во: Leipzig: E.A. Seemann
Искусство в архитектуре.альбом на немецком языке

состояние: отличное 150 руб
Freund, T.
Objects of Desire
1995 г.; Изд-во: Penguin
Freund explores the high-stakes world of American antiques collecting. He focuses on three of the most highly valued pieces at the prestigious 1991 Americana Week in New York. Tracing their histories and showing how they came to be at the heart of the ...

состояние: плохое 10 руб
Alford, A.F.
Gods of the New Millenium
1997 г.; Изд-во: L.: Hodder & Stoughton
First published in 1997, this is the comprehensive and irrefutable proof of the flesh-and-blood gods who created us genetically in their own image. This interventionist solution identifies them as the builders of the Pyramids, Sphinx and other ancient ...

Грэм-Диксон, Эндрю: Art (Искусство) 
состояние: отличное 2990 руб
Грэм-Диксон, Эндрю
Art (Искусство)
2008 г.; Изд-во: Dorling Kindersly
This is the ultimate visual guide to paintings and sculpture from around the world. Bring a gallery of more than 2,500 of the world's most influential paintings and sculptures ever created into your home and learn everything you need to know about art ...

West, E.: The Wallace Collection 
состояние: новое 3000 руб
West, E.
The Wallace Collection
2006 г.; Изд-во: Scala Publishers
The Wallace Collection is both a national museum and the finest private collection of art ever assembled by one family. It was bequeathed to the nation in 1897 by Lady Wallace, widow of Sir Richard Wallace, the illegitimate son of the fourth Marquess o...

Fleischer, M. и др.: The Picture Gallery, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna 
состояние: новое 850 руб
Fleischer, M. и др.
The Picture Gallery, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
2005 г.; Изд-во: Scala Publishers
Beautifully illustrated book with 120 images from the stunning Gemaldegalerie. Includes works by Bosch, Rubens, Rembrandt and Gaudi. Contained within the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna's Gemдldegalerie can be compared to other great European collections...

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