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ред. Михельсен, Н.: Американские астрологические эфемериды на 20 век. The American Ephemeris for the 20th century 
состояние: приемлемое 400 руб
ред. Михельсен, Н.
Американские астрологические эфемериды на 20 век. The American Ephemeris for the 20th century. В 4 томах
1983 г.; Изд-во: ACS Publication, Inc
Астрологические таблицы-эфемериды на полночь, с 1900 по 2000 год. Позволяют составить гороскоп любого человека, родившегося в 20 веке.

[автора нет]: Gypsy Oracle Cards (Цыганский оракул) 
состояние: новое 1500 руб
[автора нет]
Gypsy Oracle Cards (Цыганский оракул)
2007 г.; Изд-во: Lo Scarabeo
Этот Оракул - репродукция колоды 1800 года, сохранивший в себе аромат старины и легкую ностальгию по бесхитростной жизни прошлых веков, когда люди безоговорочно доверяли гаданию цыганок. Цыгане, мастера предсказательного искусства - древний народ, согл...

Paddon, Peter: Enchantment: The Witches' Art of Manipulation by Gesture, Gaze and Glamour 
состояние: отличное 15000 руб
Paddon, Peter
Enchantment: The Witches' Art of Manipulation by Gesture, Gaze and Glamour
2013 г.; Изд-во: Pendraig Publishing
Traditionally, the Witch's arsenal of magical power has always included the ability to influence others from a distance, blessing, cursing and placing a glamour or the Evil Eye on someone in order to reward, punish or control them in some way. Many of ...

Rodney, A.: The Complete Book of Mind Power 
состояние: отличное 15000 руб
Rodney, A.
The Complete Book of Mind Power
1980 г.; Изд-во: Finbarr Intrnational
THE COMPLETE BOOK OF MIND POWER * Bring Sudden Winnings! * Make Others Do As You Want! * Become Irresistible To Opposite Sex! * Receive Cash, Gifts, Rewards! MIND POWER MADE PRACTICAL AND SIMPLE, FOR IMMEDITE BENEFITS! UNLIMITED MIND POWER NO...

Montsorrel, Lois: Found! 
состояние: как новое 15000 руб
Montsorrel, Lois
2010 г.; Изд-во: Finbarr Intrnational
'Yes! Anyone can use this power!' declared psychic researcher Lois Montsorrel. The power to find is in every person! 'NOTHING IS EVER REALLY LOST! she declares! Anything can be found, she claims, be it a missing object or a missing person! Everything...

Stradt, Osgood: The Ultimate Book of Invisibility and Vanishing Secrets 
состояние: как новое 15000 руб
Stradt, Osgood
The Ultimate Book of Invisibility and Vanishing Secrets
2011 г.; Изд-во: Solar-Vision Publishing

Lingstrom, F.D.: Remote Viewing Self Taught 
состояние: как новое 15000 руб
Lingstrom, F.D.
Remote Viewing Self Taught
2011 г.; Изд-во: Solar-Vision Publishing
Remote viewing is the act of ascertaining information about something from a great distance or even through time (future OR past) using information that doesn't seem to come from any of our five senses. This information can be about things, people, pla...

Rob, S.: How to Wish Bad Things On Your Enemies... the Evil Eye & Beyond 
состояние: как новое 25000 руб
Rob, S.
How to Wish Bad Things On Your Enemies... the Evil Eye & Beyond
2015 г.; Изд-во: Solar-Vision Publishing
Some magic is primal and basic and instinctual and very powerful, but most has some other element which means that people have managed to make it more effective through technique, but the nearest anyone gets to pure straight up undiluted magic is wishi...

Rob, S.: Super Evil Eye. Black Magick Book 
состояние: как новое 15000 руб
Rob, S.
Super Evil Eye. Black Magick Book
2015 г.; Изд-во: Solar-Vision Publishing
Curse your enemies simply by looking at them and much more. Contents: Chapter 1: THE EVIL EYE: WHAT IT IS, AND HOW TO USE IT...4 Performing the evil eye...6 Chapter 2: THE SUPER EVIL EYE: LEVEL I...9 Evil eye to cause a fall...11 Distance evil...

Blunt, Rupert: The Infernal Spells of the Black Tarot (Инфернальные Заклинания Черного Таро) 
состояние: как новое 650000 руб
Blunt, Rupert
The Infernal Spells of the Black Tarot (Инфернальные Заклинания Черного Таро)
2016 г.; Изд-во: Dæmonic Dreams
This stunning set comes complete with a special set of Rupert's own Black Tarot Cards, and your personal Seal of the Spirit DANTALION, both of which have been personally consecrated by Rupert himself. Within the pages of this remarkable book, y...

Moon, Virginia: Grimoire of Demonic Tarotology (Гримуар Демонической Тарологии) 
состояние: как новое 150000 руб
Moon, Virginia
Grimoire of Demonic Tarotology (Гримуар Демонической Тарологии)
2016 г.; Изд-во: Ord Na Thaumiel, Inc
Tarot, the subset of Cartomancy: the summoning of entities through cards for divinatory purposes to learn about the Other world, the physical world, and potential pathways. Tarotology is the study or reading of tarot cards and their meanings to gain ...

Koetting, E.A.: The Spider and the Green Butterfly: Vodoun Crossroads of Power 
состояние: как новое 65000 руб
Koetting, E.A.
The Spider and the Green Butterfly: Vodoun Crossroads of Power
2009 г.; Изд-во: Eternal Ascent Publications
"This text is perhaps the most dangerous to ever be put in print. Its rituals unlock doors that cannot be shut, its symbols and incantations conjure spirits that can never be exorcised, and the whole of your life and being will become a gateway between...

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