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состояние: отличное 120 руб
[автора нет]
Grundgesetz fuer die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
1976 г.; Изд-во: Bonn: Bundeszentrale fuer politische Bildung

состояние: отличное 50 руб
[автора нет]
Grundgesetz fuer die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
1989 г.; Изд-во: Bonn: Deutscher Bundestag

состояние: как новое 120 руб
Medefind, H.
Organisation Europa
1975 г.; Изд-во: Bonn: Europa Union

Islam, Mafizul: Afghanistan: Facts and Fictions 
состояние: хорошее 200 руб
Islam, Mafizul
Afghanistan: Facts and Fictions
1981 г.; Изд-во: Comilla, Bangladesh: Uttaran Prakashani
Prof. Islam visited Afghanistan at a time when the world was being fed, on a much larger scale than now, with an incongruous admixture of utter untruths, distorted facts and wild speculations about that trouble-ridden country. He is undeni­ably the fir...

Phillips, Kevin P.: The Emerging Republican Majority 
состояние: хорошее 300 руб
Phillips, Kevin P.
The Emerging Republican Majority
1969 г.; Изд-во: Arlington House
An important statement of the modern conservative revival

Coulter, Ann: How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must) 
состояние: отличное 300 руб
Coulter, Ann
How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)
2005 г.; Изд-во: Three Rivers Press
CAUTION: You re about to enter the world of Ann Coulter How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must), the instant New York Times bestseller, shows why Ann Coulter has become the most recognized and controversial conservative intellectual in years. Coulter ...

Rogozin, Dmitry: Hawks of Peace. Notes of the Russian Ambassador 
состояние: как новое 300 руб
Rogozin, Dmitry
Hawks of Peace. Notes of the Russian Ambassador
2010 г.; Изд-во: Ярославский полиграфкомбинат
The Hawks of Peace. Notes of the Russian Ambassador is a unique analytical edition where Russian Deputy Premier Dmitry Rogozin shares his notes on personalities and events that shaped the history of post-Communist Russia, believing that without those i...

Huntington, Samuel P.: The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order 
состояние: новое 1200 руб
Huntington, Samuel P.
The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order
2002 г.; Изд-во: Simon and Shuster UK Ltd
In 1993 the esteemed journal FOREIGN AFFAIRS published an article entitled "The Clash of Civilizations?" by Samuel P. Huntington. According to the journal's editors it went on to generate more discussion than anything they had published since the Secon...

[автора нет]: Oll will be will. Good advice from Wincton Churchill 
состояние: новое 100 руб
[автора нет]
Oll will be will. Good advice from Wincton Churchill
2011 г.; Изд-во: Ebury Press
Изречения премьер-министра Англии

состояние: отличное 50 руб
Castro, Fidel
Palabras a los Intelectuales
1961 г.; Изд-во: Habana: Ano de la Educacion

A.E.: The National Being. Some Thoughts on an Irish Polity 
состояние: хорошее 200 руб
The National Being. Some Thoughts on an Irish Polity
1930 г.; Изд-во: N.Y.: Macmillan

Barnavi, &#201lie: L'Europe frigide 
состояние: как новое 500 руб
Barnavi, Élie
L'Europe frigide
2008 г.; Изд-во: André Versaille
Автор, бывший посол Израиля во Франции и инициатор создания Музея Европы в Брюсселе, рассуждает о становлении Европейского Союза и проблемах, с которыми сталкивается формирование современной европейской идентичности. Он рассказывает о страхах нынешней ...

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