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Sabatini, Rafael; Сабатини, Рафаэль: Captain Blood: His Odyssey (Одиссея капитана Блада)


Sabatini, Rafael; Сабатини, Рафаэль

Captain Blood: His Odyssey (Одиссея капитана Блада)

Издательство: Л.: Учпедгиз
Переплет: мягкий; 144 страниц; 1963 г.
ISBN: [не указан]; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 06.05.2007


Роман "Одиссея капитана Блада" посвящен последней четверти XVII века. Учитель, избравший настоящую книгу для внеклассного чтения, должен обязательно коротко познакомить учащихся с этой исторической эпохой. Материалы для рассказа он может найти в V томе "Всемирной истории" или в школьном учебники Новая история, часть I. В конце книги (стр. 112-113) учащиеся найдут список имен собственных и географических названий, встречающихся в книге, и их произношение.

Книга для внеклассного чтения на английском языке в 8 классе. Адаптация, примечания и словарь М.Ю. Гросман и Л.М. Эйделькинда.

Sabatini was a proponent of basing historical fiction as closely as possible on history. Although Blood is a fictional character, much of the historical background of the novel is loosely based on fact. A group of Monmouth rebels was indeed condemned to ten years' hard labor in Barbados, though not chattel slavery as described in the book; and the shifting political alliances of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 are used in the novel as a plot device to allow Blood's return to respectability.

Sabatini based the first part of the story of Blood on Henry Pitman, a surgeon who tended the wounded Monmouth rebels and was sentenced to death by Judge Jeffreys, but whose sentence was commuted to penal transportation to Barbados where he escaped and was captured by pirates. Unlike the fictional Blood, Pitman did not join them, and eventually made his way back to England where he wrote a popular account of his ordeal. For Blood's life as a buccaneer, Sabatini used several models, including Henry Morgan and the work of Alexandre Exquemelin, for historical details.

Sabatini first introduced the character Captain Blood in a series of eight short stories in Premier Magazine as Tales of the Brethren of the Main, published from December 1920 to March 1921, and reprinted in Adventure Magazine from January to May 1921, with a novella "Captain Blood's Dilemma", published in Premier Magazine in April 1921 (and Adventure Magazine in October 1921). The Odyssey-like story arc of these tales was then woven by Sabatini into a continuous narrative in novel form, published as Captain Blood: His Odyssey in 1922.

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