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Каталог: Специальная и справочная литература »•» Словари »•» Восточные языки

Monier-Williams, M.: A Dictionary English and Sanskrit. (Англо-санскрит словарь)


Monier-Williams, M.

A Dictionary English and Sanskrit. (Англо-санскрит словарь)

Издательство: Motilal Banarsidass
Переплет: твердый; 860 страниц; 1999 г.
ISBN: 81-208-0454-6; Формат: не указан
Язык: английский
На сайте с 02.01.2004


The great development of study of Sanskrit, during the later half of the 19th century has necessitated a Reverse Dictionary for all those scholars who devoted themselves to the social, religious and intellectual study of India and Indians. Realising this, the author set to work upon planning this dictionary (1843-51) basing primarily on Amaracoњa, Riddle’s English-Latin Dictionary, Prof. Wilson’s Sanskrit-English Dictionary, the Marathi Dictionary of Captain Moles-worth , in addition to the code of Manu, works of Kalidasa, Ramayana and Mahabharata, with collaboration of other scholars. The main objects of compiling this lexicon is to offer an effectual help to the student in practicing translation into the best Sanskrit for modern expression and idioms, with their several equivalents, with different shade of meaning. He has rightly endeavored to include as many terms of religion, literature, mythology, science etc. as would lead to correct knowledge of oriental customs, habits of thought, religious tenets and ceremonial observances, which ultimately enhances a reciprocal sympathy between the East and West.

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