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Bockris, Victor: Keith Richards: The Biography


Bockris, Victor

Keith Richards: The Biography

Издательство: Poseidon press
Переплет: твердый; 410 страниц; 1992 г.
ISBN: [не указан]; Формат: увеличенный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 04.02.2008


As the most notorious member of the Rolling Stones, Richards would seem to be the perfect subject for a titillating biography. Bockris, author of The Life and Death of Andy Warhol ( LJ 9/1/89), has plenty of material to work with: Richards was a pioneer in making drugs, androgyny, and the occult de rigeur for the rock lifestyle, surviving legal battles, romantic quagmires, and bitter personnel changes. The hard-driving intensity of his music is the only constant. With such a wealth of sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll tales to tell, this is a surprisingly unexciting book. Richards's songwriting partner and lifelong friend Mick Jagger is hardly heard from. Bockris relies so much on other sources that many libraries may already have most of this material. Not an essential purchase.

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