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Каталог: Мистика, эзотерика, непознанное »•» Астрология

Olivia: Love after Sex: Relationships By The Stars



Love after Sex: Relationships By The Stars

Издательство: Woodbury, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publication
Переплет: мягкий; 250 страниц; 2006 г.
ISBN: 0-7387-0853-4; Формат: увеличенный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 16.01.2010


Seduction is an art, but so is maintaining a happy and healthy relationship. Love After Sex shows readers how to fan the flames of love after those initial sparks have flown. Astrology can point to our areas of greatest romantic compatibility and forewarn us about our greatest challenges. With only a birth date, readers can gain crucial insight into their relationships and receive valuable advice for making love last.

Love After Sex illustrates how sex, money, and power dynamics play out in relationships based on the Sun sign combinations of the people involved. It also discusses Moon sign tendencies, which play a vital part in relationships and indicate how well you are able to emotionally nurture your lover. This hip, witty guide to love reveals the secrets of your relationship and uncovers the essence of what the two of you can do and be together.

About the Author
Olivia (New Mexico) is a professional astrologer with over twenty years of experience counseling clients with relationship concerns and questions. She is a popular guest on radio talk shows and has been featured in national magazines and newspapers both in North America and abroad, including Britain's Sunday Mirror.

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