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Каталог: Искусство, культура »•» Фотография

Волкер, Тим: Tim Walker: Story Teller


Волкер, Тим

Tim Walker: Story Teller

Издательство: Thames and Hudson
Переплет: твердый + суперобложка; 256 страниц; 2012 г.
ISBN: 978-0-500-54420-4; Формат: оч. большой
Язык: английский
На сайте с 03.04.2014


Tim Walker is one of the most visually exciting photographers of our time. This book showcases many of his most dazzling images his daydreams turned into photographs, dating from around the last seven years of his career. Some of the biggest names in fashion and contemporary culture are here: Alber Elbaz sporting a pair of rabbit ears; Agyness Deyn in the sand dunes of Namibia; Alexander McQueen and a memento mori of skull and cigarettes; Helena Bonham Carter poised with Ray-Bans and a Diet Coke; Stella Tennant in a pink cloud among the rhododendrons of an English country garden The singer and musician Kate Bush contributes a foreword and Walker himself an afterword, as well as illuminating his pictures throughout with personal observations. This exceptional and beautifully designed overview of a career caught in mid-flow reveals just how much one mans singular vision has influenced contemporary tastes in fashion, beauty, glamour and portraiture.

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