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De La Haye, Amy; D. Mendes, Valerie: The House of Worth: Portrait of an Archive (Дом Ворта. Фотографии из архива)


De La Haye, Amy; D. Mendes, Valerie

The House of Worth: Portrait of an Archive (Дом Ворта. Фотографии из архива)

Издательство: Abrams
Переплет: твердый + суперобложка; 160 страниц; 2014 г.
ISBN: 978-1-85177-774-7; Формат: энциклопедический
Язык: английский
На сайте с 11.06.2014


Legendary British-born designer Charles Frederick Worth (1825–1895), with enormous talent for design and promotion, built his fashion house into an empire during the last quarter of the 19th century-the first business of its kind with global reach. His company, through his heirs, endured until 1952, when his great-grandson retired. Profusely illustrated, this astonishing book explores Worth's success in the realm of haute couture after 1890. Hundreds of photographs selected from the V&A's unique archive of more than 7,000 official house records capture the Worth style and offer valuable insights into the daily routine at Maison Worth in Paris. Images and text tell the intriguing story of these creations, providing historical context and describing Worth's international clientele of elegant women of wealth and power.

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