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Каталог: Специальная и справочная литература »•» Путеводители

Воронихина, Л.Н.: Эрмитаж. Путеводитель. The Hermitage. Guide-book


Воронихина, Л.Н.

Эрмитаж. Путеводитель. The Hermitage. Guide-book

Издательство: Л.: Советский художник; Издание 4-е
Переплет: мягкий; 104 страниц; 1968 г.
ISBN: [не указан]; Формат: уменьшенный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 29.12.2014


This guide is intended to make a visit to the Hermitage Museum more enjoyable and instructive. It starts with a brief account of how the Hermitage collections were accumulated and with a description of the Museum buildings and of those rooms which are especially interesting from the historical and artistic point of view. The main portion of the book is devoted to a review of the rich and diverse collections and masterpieces owned by the Hermitage, one of the most celebrated museums in the world. Among its most valued treasures are outstanding memorials of Russian culture and of the culture and art of the peoples of the East; Greek and Roman antiquities; the unique collection of Scythian gold; the far-famed picture gallery covering the whole history of European painting. The majority of the works mentioned are illustrated.

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