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Каталог: Общество, политика, религия »•» Политика, политология

Dupre, Ben: 50 political ideas you really need to know / 50 политических идей, которые нужно знать


Dupre, Ben

50 political ideas you really need to know / 50 политических идей, которые нужно знать

Издательство: London: Quercus
Переплет: ламинированный тверд.; 208 страниц; 2011 г.
ISBN: 978-1-84916-254-8; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 14.04.2015


At a time of corrosive popular cynicism and profound international unease, the need for clarity over the fundamental concepts of politics has never been greater: the forces of Terrorism and Fundamentalism endanger our Security, while government responses to it pose a basic threat to Liberty, Democracy and Human rights. Corruption, Spin and a suspect Political culture arouse public indignation, which is further aggravated by an array of Pressure groups and the far-from-disinterested attentions of the Mass media.

In 50 Political Ideas You Really Need to Know, Ben Dupré clears away the murk that obscures key concepts that we ignore at our peril.

Justice, Liberty, Human rights, The social contract, Democracy, Tyranny, Federalism, Utopianism, Political violence, Revolution and change, Political culture, Monarchism, Republicanism, Secularism, Conservatism, Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Anarchism, Fundamentalism, Multiculturalism, Labour movement, Women's movement, Green politics, Pressure groups, Constitutions, Parliaments, Presidential systems, Elections, Parties, Civil service/bureaucracy, Intelligence agencies, Mass media, Spin and propaganda, Wealth and poverty, Crime and punishment, Security and defence, Terrorism, Welfare, Race, Corruption, Political correctness, Realists and idealists, War and peace, Nations and nationalism, Imperialism, Isolationism, United Nations, Globalization.

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