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Sri, Sankaracharya: Dakshinamurti Stotra


Sri, Sankaracharya

Dakshinamurti Stotra

Издательство: Chennai: Samata books; Издание 6-е, испр. и расшир.
Переплет: твердый + суперобложка; 223 страниц; 2001 г.
ISBN: 81-85208-09-3; Формат: уменьшенный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 12.08.2016


A great poem in world Literature, Dakshinamurti Stotra reveals the Poet and the Mystic in Sri Sankaracharya in unison at the highest altitude of his being.

The four sons of Brahma born of his mind - MANASA PUTRAS- declined to continue the line of creation. Intent on returning to the source they found themselves in the Presence of Siva as Jnana-Dakshinamurti in a blissful inner state of "Knowledge by identity". The thin veil over their eyes dropped as they, along with other sages, gazed at the luminous Silence.

The perfect teaching was given and received in Silence. Sri Sankaracharya realized it in his own person and he gave utterance to that Silence of Compassionate Knowledge in these en stanzas of winged words for the benefit of humanity.

Sri Suresvaracharya wrote a commentary Manasollasa - Brilliant play of thought - on this hymn of his master to enlighten those who needed further help.

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