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Abhishiktananda: The secret of Arunachala: Christian Hermit on Shiva's Holy Mountain



The secret of Arunachala: Christian Hermit on Shiva's Holy Mountain

Издательство: ISPCK
Переплет: мягкий; 150 страниц; 1997 г.
ISBN: 81-7214-400-0; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 01.06.2017


This book is an astounding document. It is about the struggle of a Christian who arrived in India and met many spiritual luminaries who changed his life, none of which were Christian. One was Ramana Maharshi (the most famous), another was Swami Gnananda, and lastly, for those in the know, the famed Papaji. Although the name Papaji is not in the text, anyone who knows Papaji (famed teacher of non-dual awareness) will recognize the story about him in the book. Henri LeSaux was a fellow monk and friend of the famous Bede Griffiths. Those in non-traditional, meditation oriented Christian circles will be familiar with this name. The Benedictine monk, Henri LeSaux took the vows of a swami and became Abhishiktananda. The book about some his experience will inspire you and maybe puzzle you. For those with questions about how Christianity relates to Yoga, Vedanta and the wisdom of the ancient sages, some questions will be answered.

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