Микки Доннелли - толковый мальчишка, но в районе Белфаста, где он живет, это не приветствуется. У него есть собака по кличке Киллер, он влюблен в соседскую девочку и обожает мать. Мечта Микки - скопить денег и вместе с мамой и младшей сестренкой уехать в ...
Drum is a novel that follows three generations of men and their experience of slavery in the nineteenth century. It portrays how, in just three generations, a proud and free people can be transformed into abject but loyal slaves.
The story starts in ...
This is an unforgettable novel of a titanic family of the greed that nourished them and of the strange haunted love that even their immense power could not crush.
In collaboration with her second husband Marcus Reback Caldwell wrote several bestsel...
Ellie Loring was just another pretty face - until she became the mistress of a famous Holywood producer. Suddenly the whole world opened to Ellie. Because Ellie had something special. Ellie had talant. And when she started writing the sexy novels that ...
The scorching novel of the publishing jungle - where sex sells between covers and between the sheets!
Business type from Garment District becomes involved with failing publishing firm, solves cash-flow problems (for ex., by starting a series of classi...
1957 г.; Изд-во: Foreign Languages Publishing House
В романе "Сыновья без отцов" (1955) впервые в канадской литературе показан рабочий коллектив. Из предисловия автора: "Роман этот рассказывает о канадской семье, которая живет в крупном центре горнорудной промышленности Канады - Дип-Роке. Такого города ...
The searing novel of a man enslaved by passion and cursed by his own success.
The towering novel of a modern financial genius and the secret passions that obsessed him.
First published in 1957
Deborah and Victor Marmorek-the pivotal charaters in this tremendous, richly storied novel-were a happy young couple, people of means, education and taste....But this was Europe in 1938-and they were ruthlessly stripped of security and pleasure and flu...
Reading Rex Reed is like going to a party where he's the host and half the selebrities are loathsome, half are lovely, and the lot is pretty damn lively.
Так написала газета "Бостон глоуб" об этой книге известного американского журналиста, в которой о...