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Каталог: Художественная литература »•» Мемуары, биографии

Ellmann, Richard: Oscar Wilde


Ellmann, Richard

Oscar Wilde

Издательство: Нью-Йорк: KNOPF
Переплет: твердый + суперобложка; 680 страниц; 1987 г.
ISBN: 0-394-55484-1; Формат: увеличенный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 06.08.2020


Winner of both the National Book Critics Circle Award and the Pulitzer Prize, Oscar Wilde is the definitive biography of the tortured poet and playwright and the last book by renowned biographer and literary critic Richard Ellmann. Ellmann dedicated two decades to the research and writing of this biography, resulting in a complex and richly detailed portrait of Oscar Wilde. Ellman captures the wit, creativity, and charm of the psychologically and sexually complicated writer, as well as the darker aspects of his personality and life. Covering everything from Wilde's rise as a young literary talent to his eventual imprisonment and death in exile with exquisite detail, Ellmann's fascinating account of Wilde's life and work is a resounding triumph.

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