Thailand attracts millions of visitors each year with its aura of adventure, mountain flowers, rice paddies, rivers, beaches and legendary smiles. Based on the crossroads of grand Asian civilisations, Thailand appears jealous and proud of an independence through her lifestyle. Original by its very unique culture, the ancient kingdom of Siam evokes rare and unique emotions and enchants with its treasure of blooming nature.
She is economically feverish yet philosophically serene; her countryside is the future, yet also shows her past. Under bright skies, we stroll on the border of mysterious jungles, golden temples, paradisical islands, experiencing and loving these delights with the guidance of courteous locals, who take our hand and show us around Paradise.
Комментарий: Суперобложка с повреждениями. Блок расшатан, повреждения уголков и граней переплетных крышек и корешка. Страницы в порядке. Доставка по РФ - 500 руб.
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