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Moore, Thomas

Prescription for Disaster: The Hidden Dangers in Your Medicine Cabinet

Издательство: Simon & Schuster
Переплет: твердый + суперобложка; 271 страниц; 1998 г.
ISBN: 0-684-82998-3; Формат: увеличенный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 22.06.2011


Prescribed drugs kill more people each year than automobile and airplane crashes combined and send 1 million people to hospital. Nearly every one of the most popular prescription drugs has potentially serious side effects, yet doctors seldom discuss them.Prozac is linked to 242 different adverse effects. Tranquilizers, sleep aids, painkillers, drugs that lower cholesterol, combat depression, reduce blood pressure - all have documented risks. None is entirely safe. The author explains how to be an informed consumer. There are steps each of us can take to minimize our chances of being hospitalized or injured by medication. Moore explains what questions to ask your doctor and pharmacist to avoid unnecessary risk.
43 % of recently approved drugs caused cancer in animals, often at or near the human dose. Many popular anti-inflammotary drugs cause an estimated 70000 hospitalizations a year. what you can do: how to be a sceptical consumer; when to look for another doctor; what you have a legal right to know about drugs prescribed to you

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