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Sydyknazarov, M.; Bajmuchan, M.; Sydyknazarova, D. и др.: The European Union Glossary (English-German-Spanish-French-Italian-Kazakh-Russian)


Sydyknazarov, M.; Bajmuchan, M.; Sydyknazarova, D. и др.

The European Union Glossary (English-German-Spanish-French-Italian-Kazakh-Russian)

Издательство: Warszawa: Oficyna Olszynka
Переплет: твердый + суперобложка; 736 страниц; 2010 г.
ISBN: 978-83-931066-4-6; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 08.08.2013


The glossary reflects a system of notions describing the European Union and European integration, as well as contains the terms necessary for scientific-research and practical work of specialists in the areas of international relations, political studies, history, economics, law, translating and others.
The Glossary of the European Union contains definitions of 1,400 terms that cover some key notions related to the European Union's structure, activitity, documentation and legal foundation, their abbreviations, and also established definitions frequently used in political and legal documents of the European Communities. The Glossary terms involve the notion body in seven languages – English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Kazakh and Russian.
This terminology aims to demonstrate from many aspects the main activity areas of the European Communities and their three main bases (pillars), more specifically, the first base – the EU activity in economic and social areas; the second base – its activity in the areas of general foreign policy and security policy; and the third base – the EU activity in the areas of internal affairs and justice, and police and judicial cooperation. Thus, the Glossary is of a polyaspect, complex nature.
The terminology also reflects some important notions related to creation of freedom, security and justice space; military issues; realization of the principle of freedom of personal, service and financial mobility; general regulatory and legal acts of the EU and contract legislation; education and research activity; protection of consumers' rights, labor relations, intellectual property, ecology and environment protection issues, insurance and bankuptcy, companies' right, procedural issues, legal consultation, physical persons, family relations and many others.
The Glossary is intended for a wide range of users – employees of foreign policy departments, analysts, professors and staff at higher education institutions, scientific community, state employees, scientific-research organisations, mass media, specialists of NGOs, students, master's and doctor's level students – everyone who is involved directly or indirectly in studying international affairs issues and interested in the issues of all-European cooperation, integration, and European Studies.
The Glossary is also useful as an information source for compilers, document editors, translators and interpreters, and translation editors.

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