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Schreiber, Fred: Simon De Colines: an Annotated Catalogue of 230 Examples of His Press, 1520-46


Schreiber, Fred

Simon De Colines: an Annotated Catalogue of 230 Examples of His Press, 1520-46

Издательство: Provo: Friends of the Brigham Young University Library
Переплет: твердый; 242 страниц; 1995 г.
ISBN: 5-00-004162-3; Формат: энциклопедический
Язык: английский
На сайте с 09.03.2014


First edition, limited to 750 copies. The first true Renaissance printer, Colines worked with the finest French book decorators and type designers to transform the French book. By using the format pioneered by Aldus Manutius, his press 1520-1546 published reasonably priced "pocket" classics, making them affordable by students and popularizing italic and cursive types in France. De Colines holds the distinction of having prepared the first critical text of the Greek New Testament, and the first printed in France. He produced the earliest accented Greek type in France, fifteen years prior to the Grecs du Roi. In 1528, de Colines introduced an elegant cursive, derived from Arrighi, followed by a smaller italic based on the Aldine. The 230 books described in this work, one-third of de Colines's actual production, illustrate de Colines's types, ornamental initials, printer devices and title borders. A catalogue of the books published and facsimiles of two of Colines's publisher catalogues are also included. Designed by W. Thomas Taylor. Illustrated.

"COLINES, SIMON De, born 1480, died 1546.

French printer who pioneered the use of italic types in France. He worked as a partner of Henri Estienne, the founder of an important printing house in Paris.

Estienne died in 1520, and Colines married his widow and was in charge of the press until Estienne's son Robert I entered the business in 1526, by which time Colines had set up his own shop nearby. In 1528 he began to use italic type. Colines published many Greek and Latin classics. Although he was not a scholar himself, he extended the range of the Estienne firm's learned and scientific works to include the natural sciences, cosmology, and astrology. He is credited with the design of italic and Greek fonts and of a roman face for St. Augustine's Sylvius (1531), from which the Garamond types were derived. In 1525 he published the notable Grandes Heures de Simon de Colines, with decorations by Geoffroy Tory". (Colines, Simon de." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 2012).

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