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Каталог: Искусство, культура »•» Живопись, графика, рисунок, скульптура

Forrer, M.: Hiroshige. Prints and Drawings


Forrer, M.

Hiroshige. Prints and Drawings

Издательство: Muenchen: Prestel
Переплет: мягкий; 254 страниц; 1997 г.
ISBN: 3-7913-2594-9; Формат:
Язык: русский
На сайте с 09.10.2016


Формат альбома 245х280мм

Utagawa Hiroshige ( 1797 –1858) holds an assured place in the history of art as one of the greatest masters of the wood-block print. This volume offers an excellent overview of the accomplished artist who, together with Hokusai, was the leading creator of landscape imagery in Japanese printmaking.
If Hokusai is recognized for his bold compositions and clearly defined forms, Hiroshige is the master of the passing moment -the artist of mist, snow, and rain. The immense popularity of Hiroshige's prints meant that they were continually reprinted, wearing down the woodblocks. For this book every effort has been made to reproduce only the finest early impressions. Each plate is provided with a commentary by Matthi Forrer who, in an introductory essay, examines Hiroshige's life and work, assessing his place in Japanese art and making important revisions to the generally accepted chronology of his oeuvre. Other essays draw attention to aspects of Hiroshige's life and work which have often been overlooked, and place Hiroshige and his art in their social and political context. The volume also
includes maps, a chronology, a glossary and a bibliography.

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