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Scott, Michael L.: Programming Language Pragmatics


Scott, Michael L.

Programming Language Pragmatics

Издательство: Morgan Kaufmann; Издание 3-е
Переплет: мягкий; 944 страниц; 2009 г.
ISBN: 978-0-12-374514-9; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 31.10.2016


Programming Language Pragmatics is the most comprehensive programming language book available today. Taking the perspective that language design and language implementation are tightly interconnected and that neither can be fully understood in isolation, this critically acclaimed and bestselling book has been thoroughly updated to cover the most recent developments in programming language design. With a new chapter on run-time program management and expanded coverage of concurrency, this new edition provides both students and professionals alike with a solid understanding of the most important issues driving software development today.


Covers the most recent developments in programming language design, including Java 6 and 7, C++0X, C# 3.0, F#, Fortran 2003 and 2008, Ada 2005, and Scheme R6RS.

Includes a new chapter on run-time program management, covering virtual machines, managed code, just-in-time and dynamic compilation, reflection, binary translation and rewriting, mobile code, sandboxing, and debugging and program analysis tools.

Updates the concurrency chapter to address the latest developments in computer architecture and parallel language design, with major new sections on multicore and supercomputer machines, nonblocking synchronization, event-driven programming, memory consistency models, and transactional memory, plus new or updated coverage of OpenMP, Erlang, the pthreads library, and the concurrency features of Java and C#.

Improves pedagogy throughout the book, with extensive changes to the introductory chapter and the coverage of scanning and parsing, modules and scoping, macros and in-lining, polymorphism, monads, iteration and enumeration, array management, and object and subroutine closures.

Provides additional resources on a companion CD, with advanced/optional content, hundreds of working examples, an active search facility, and live links to manuals, tutorials, compilers, and interpreters on the World Wide Web. CD content is also available on a "companion" site at elsevierdirect dot com / 9780123745149

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