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Каталог: Художественная литература »•» Мифы, сказки, фольклор

Nair, Shantha: The Lord Shiva. His 12 Jyotirlingams and 5 Bhoota Lingams


Nair, Shantha

The Lord Shiva. His 12 Jyotirlingams and 5 Bhoota Lingams

Издательство: Hindology books
Переплет: мягкий; 201 страниц; 2009 г.
ISBN: 978-81-223-1039-9; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 08.07.2018


Lord Shiva, one of the Trimoorties, is the Supreme Ascetic and Lord of the Universe. He is Ardh Nareeshwara, He is Neelakantha who drank poison to save the three worlds and yet, when crazed with grief at the death of Sati, set about destroying them. This truly makes Him an enigma for His devotees all over the world. Who is Shiva? What is the story behind the worship of the lingam? This book is an answer to various such questions which often haunt His devotees. He is believed to have revealed Himself to His devotees as flame or light or jyoti. The twelve ancient Jyotirlingams that find mention in the Shiva Purana are located in various places all over India. The five elements of Nature, namely Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Space, worshipped as Panch Bhoota Lingams, have shrines in different parts of South India. Replete with vivid description, the author presents in a simple and lucid style the essence of Hindu religion, especially Lord Shiva and his Jyotirlingams.

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