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Серия: Учебные программы Института CFA 2014 г.; Изд-во: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Apply CFA Program concepts and skills to real-world wealth and portfolio management for the 2019 exam The same official curricula that CFA Program candidates receive with program registration is now publicly available for purchase. CFA Program Curricul...
Серия: Учебные программы Института CFA 2014 г.; Изд-во: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Apply CFA Program concepts and skills to real-world wealth and portfolio management for the 2019 exam The same official curricula that CFA Program candidates receive with program registration is now publicly available for purchase. CFA Program Curricul...
Серия: Учебные программы Института CFA 2014 г.; Изд-во: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Apply CFA Program concepts and skills to real-world wealth and portfolio management for the 2019 exam The same official curricula that CFA Program candidates receive with program registration is now publicly available for purchase. CFA Program Curricul...
Серия: Учебные программы Института CFA 2014 г.; Изд-во: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Apply CFA Program concepts and skills to real-world wealth and portfolio management for the 2019 exam The same official curricula that CFA Program candidates receive with program registration is now publicly available for purchase. CFA Program Curricul...
What does the word cost mean to you?
Is it the price you pay for something of value? A cash outflow?
Something that affects profitability? There are many different types
of costs, and at different times organizations put more or less
emphasis on th...
Словарь предназначается в основном для учащихся литовской средней школы, изучающих русский язык. В то же время им могут пользоваться все, нуждающиеся в кратком русско- литовском словаре.
Словарь содержит около 20 000 слов. В него входят наиболее употр...