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Rasmusen, Eric: Games and Information / Игры и информация


Rasmusen, Eric

Games and Information / Игры и информация

Издательство: Blackwell Publishers, 238 Main Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 USA
Переплет: ламинированный тверд.; 478 страниц; 1994 г.
ISBN: 1-55786-502-7; Формат: увеличенный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 04.10.2021



"This is a terrific book bringing together two strands in the recent literature on economic theory, namely game theory and the economics of asymmetric information. The style is brisk, the arguments are rigorous and it seems to be pitched at exactly the right level." Partha Dasgupta, Professor of Economics, University of Cambridge
"I feel that Dr Eric Rasmusen has written a first class book which should be of wide interest not only to game theorists and economists but also scholars working in many other fields. Dr Rasmusen's book is a good investment!" Keith W. Hipel

From the Back Cover

Widely praised when the first edition appeared, Games and Information has been substantially enlarged and updated in the second edition. The text continues to reflect the importance in economic research of non-cooperative game theory and information economics. The topics of non-cooperative games and entry deterrence have been given their own chapters added on auditing, nuisance suits, recoordination and renegotiation, super moduality, signal jamming, market microstructure and government procurement. Many new chapters have been added and the number of homework problems has been greatly expanded.
Eric Rasmusen writes in a crisp and approachable style, relying wherever possible on explanation in place of technical proofs. The book will be an indispensable tool for advanced microeconomics courses and of considerable interest to anyone who needs to understand the economic research of the last ten years.

About the Author

Eric Rasmusen is Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy and Sanjay Subhedar Faculty Fellow at Indiana University, and has also held positions at UCLA, the University of Chicago, Harvard and Yale. He has published in the areas of anti-trust, industrial organization, political economy, law and economics, and game theory.

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Состояние: индикатор состояния хорошее; В продаже с 13.05.2022
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