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Каталог: Мистика, эзотерика, непознанное »•» Оккультизм, магия, колдовство

Mason, Asenath: Rites of Lucifer


Mason, Asenath

Rites of Lucifer

Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Переплет: мягкий; 122 страниц; 2014 г.
ISBN: 978-1-5052-9509-2; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 02.01.2018


Lucifer is the archetype of the Adversary, initiator and guide on the Path of the Nightside. He is the fallen angel of Christian legends, the Devil of witches' Sabbats, one of primal Draconian Gods, Demon Prince of the Air, and Infernal Emperor of old grimoires. The purpose of this book is to delve into his initiatory role on the Draconian Path and in Atlantean magic through chosen masks and manifestations which Lucifer has used over the ages to reveal his presence to mankind, bestowing his blessings on Initiates and scourging the ignorant. Essays and rituals included here explore both his bright and dark aspects, the face of the Light Bearer and the horned mask of the Devil. Edited and compiled by Asenath Mason, the book contains contributions from Rev Bill Duvendack, Edgar Kerval, Daemon Barzai, Cristian Velasco, and Pairika Eva Borowska. The contents include: Light and Darkness in Luciferian Gnosis; The Light Bearer Ritual; Invocation of the Dark Initiator; The Mind of Lucifer; Purifying Fire (The Seed of Luciferian Gnosis); Lord of the Air; Lucifer - The Trickster; The Shadow Companion; Holographic Luciferianism; The Adversarial Current of Lucifer; Invocation of the Adversary; Freedom through Death; Emperor of Shadow and Light; The God of Witchcraft; The Infernal Spirit of Old Grimoires; Masks of Lucifer Ritual. It's a unique publication in the tradition of the Luciferian Gnosis.

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