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Каталог: Мистика, эзотерика, непознанное »•» Оккультизм, магия, колдовство

Frisvold, Nicholaj De Mattos: Exu: Exu and the Quimbanda of Night and Fire


Frisvold, Nicholaj De Mattos

Exu: Exu and the Quimbanda of Night and Fire

Издательство: Scarlet Imprint
Переплет: мягкий; 352 страниц; 2012 г.
ISBN: 978-0-9574492-0-6; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 02.01.2018


Exu and the Quimbanda of Night and Fire is the companion to Pomba Gira. Together they give the most complete account of this sorcerous cult. Exu is the fusion of Umbanda, Angolan sorcery, European demonology and Kardec's Spiritsm, erupting in a uniquely Brazilian cult of practical magical action. Spells, workings, hierarchies and origins are all given in detail.

This is an essential text for students of the grimoires, Satanism and Traditional Witchcraft, as well as those drawn to or working within the cults of Quimbanda, Candomblé, Santería, Palo Mayombe and the African diaspora religions.

Quimbanda is a living tradition that gets results. It is a massive storehouse of magical lore, heresies and history which has absorbed aspects of Goetia, Grimorium Verum, Red Dragon and even Huysman's Là Bas. The origin of Exu is explored from the iconic Baphomet of Eliphas Lévi and the influence of St Cyprian, the patron saint of necromancers, back to Umbanda and the traditional African religions. Exu revels in a unique heritage that encompasses a Gnostic account of the crucifixion mystery, the concealed nature of St Michael Archangel and the native shamanism of the Caboclos.

A forceful spirit, Exu presides over the kingdom of the world, and offers a fierce path for those that would take him as companion.

The Seven Legions of Exus are ‘hot' spirits, and their work is considered black magic. The perils of this work are given, with the dangers of obsession by the Qlippoth and vampirism described. Guidance is offered and the path to ascension shown. In Exu and the Quimbanda of Night and Fire Frisvold gives explicit workings for good and ill, a herbarium and details of offerings, powders and baths, songs and seals. He discusses the fearsome Exu Mor for the first time, a subject not treated in his previous works.

Frisvold is an intiate and gives an insider's view, drawing upon his years of experience in the cult. With access to texts, manuscripts and personal testimony this is the most definitive work on Exu available in English.

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