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Каталог: Мистика, эзотерика, непознанное »•» Оккультизм, магия, колдовство

Kerval, Edgar: Sabbatica The Seas of Blood and the Transmigration of the Black Flame II


Kerval, Edgar

Sabbatica The Seas of Blood and the Transmigration of the Black Flame II

Издательство: Transmutation Publishing
Переплет: мягкий; 182 страниц; 2015 г.
ISBN: 978-0-9833350-2-3; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 02.01.2018


Sabbatica Volume II "The Seas of Blood and the Transmigration of the Black Flame" emerges as an exposition of spectral seals, opening the astral paths of sorcery and magick. A convocation of a series of massive volumes, conjoined in arcane gnosis in order to evoke the primal path, that lead us to sacred knowledge pouring forth from secret vessels of Sabbatic mysteries. This grimoire is an in-depth voyage to the waters of death and black alchemy, moving to the most hidden anthropological and psychological depths. Edgar Kerval is a draconian magician and occultist that has been working in diverse manifestations for many years. His work focuses on deconstructing different magickal vortices through deep states of consciousness and gnosis. Which are reflected in his ritual projects including EMME YA, in which he positions atavism and chthonic energies to create vast soundscapes and ritual vaporous atmospheres. Edgar Kerval's other projects include THE RED PATH, THE RED ANGLE, NOX 210, ARCHAIC: SONS OV SIRIUS, and LUX ASTRALIS, TOTEM. He has also collaborated with other esoteric authors and musicians on various projects, utilizing diverse media. As an author, Edgar Kerval has published three books; via Siniestra (under the mask of the red gods) Ast Ma Ion-Eos Tar Nixet (A practical grimoire of Qliphotic sorcery) and Vxit Urut Nag (The grimoire of the black serpent). His work also appears in publications such as Qliphoth Journal Noxaz and Sabbatica.

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