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Каталог: Наука, образование »•» Языкознание, иностранные языки »•» Английский

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Крылова, И.П.

Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка

Издательство: М.: Высшая школа
Переплет: твердый; 240 страниц; 1978 г.
ISBN: [не указан]; Формат: стандартный
Язык: русский
На сайте с 27.09.2019


Сборник содержит упражнения, которые дают практический материал для усвоения курса грамматики, изложенного в учебнике Е.М.Гордон, И.П. Крыловой "Грамматика современного английского языка". Предложения и отрывки, которые служат материалом для упражнений, взяты из современной английской и американской литературы и представляют собой образцы хорошего современного английского языка, типичного для него как по лексике, так и по грамматическим структурам. Наличие ключей позволяет использовать сборник и для самостоятельной работы.
The present indefinite and the present continuous
The present perfect and the past indefinite
The present perfect continuous and the present perfect
The present perfect and the past indefinite
The present continuous and the present perfect continuous
The present perfect and the present indefinite
The past continuous and the past indefinite
The past perfect and the past indefinite
The past perfect continuous and the past perfect
The past perfect and the past indefinite
The past tenses in sentence patterns
The future tenses
The future-in-the-past
The sequence of tenses
Passive voice forms
Modal verbs
Have to be, be to
Ought, shall, should
Will, would
Means of expressing unreality
Forms of unreality in object clauses
Forms of unreality in appositive and predicative clauses
Forms of unreality in clauses of purpose
Forms of unreality in clauses of comparison
Forms of unreality in clauses of condition
Forms of unreality in simple sentences
The infinitive and the -ing form as subject
The infinitive and the -ing form as predicative
The infinitive and the -ing form as part of a compound verbal predicate
The infinitive and the -ing form as a second action
The infinitive and the -ing form as direct object
The -ing form as prepositional object
The infinitive and the -ing form in sentences with "it" as a formal subject and object
The infinitive and the -ing form as subjective predicative
The infinitive and the -ing form as objective predicative
The infinitive and the -ing form as adverbial modifiers
The infinitive and the -ing form as attributes
The participle
T he functions of articles
Articles with countable nouns modified by various attributes
Articles with generic singular and generic plural nouns
Articles with predicative nouns
Articles with nouns in apposition
Articles with nouns in some syntactic patterns
Articles with uncountable abstract nouns
Articles with names of materials
Articles with nouns denoting the parts of the day
Articles with nouns denoting seasons
Articles with names of meals
Articles with names of diseases
Articles with the nouns "bed", "school" and the like
Articles with some phraseologically used nouns
Articles with nouns indicating unique objects and notions
Articles with names of persons
Articles with geographic names
Articles with miscallaneous proper names
The place of articles

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Условия доставки и оплаты

Способы доставки: курьером; встреча по договоренности; самовывоз; почтой наложенным платежом; почтой по предоплате; почтой, оплата по получении

Способы оплаты: наличными; перевод на банковский счет; почтовый перевод/перевод без открытия счета; банковской картой; электронный платеж (WM, Y.Д и т.п.); бесплатно

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