The present study summarizes the results of an interdisciplinary research
which defined the outline of a new nationally-minded ideology of Russia's economic policy. By introducing the category of "value" in the economic discourse, the authors formulate a methodologically new approach to analyzing economic phenomena and the government economic policy. A new ideology is formed in the context of the world philosophical and economic thought. The study extensively analyzes theory and practice of liberal and neoliberal concepts, paying particular attention to the monetarist trend in the economic theory. The idea of the market's self-regulatory ability being absolute is demonstrated to be an ideological myth. Evaluating criteria and international ratings for national economies' economic development are proved to be non-universal and biased.
The study examines the Russian reforms of the 1990s in the context of world economic trends and the reforming experience in transition economies. Functions of a modern state in managing economic processes are defi ned. Proposed ideas are confi rmed by a wide range of historical examples and statistics.
В исследовании рассматриваются российские реформы 1990-х годов в контексте мировых экономических тенденций и опыта реформирования в странах с переходной экономикой. Определены функции современного государства в управлении экономическими процессами. Предложенные идеи подтверждаются широким спектром исторических примеров и статистических данных.
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