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Каталог: Наука, образование »•» Психология

Bugental, James F.T.: Psychotherapy Isn't What You Think: Bringing the Psychotherapeutic Engagement into the Living Moment


Bugental, James F.T.

Psychotherapy Isn't What You Think: Bringing the Psychotherapeutic Engagement into the Living Moment

Издательство: Phoenix: Zeig, Tucker & Theisen, Inc
Переплет: мягкий; 280 страниц; 1999 г.
ISBN: 1-891944-13-4; Формат: увеличенный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 22.07.2022


"The time has come for a major shift in how we think about and how we do psychotherapy," proposes James Bugental. And in a major new contribution - Psychotherapy Isn't What You Think - he explains why it is necessary that psychotherapists redirect their attention from gathering information about the client to attending to the client's actual experiencing in the living moment.
This change in the focus of therapist concern, he asserts, enriches the work, as therapeutic partners discover what is most truly alive in their immediate engagement. In bringing this aspect to the fore, they can begin to identify ways in which it is part and parcel of the client's way of conducting life. The phenomenon of transference is a familiar one, but in this context, it gains greater power to bring about significant life changes.

Dr. Bugental's conception is basically simple; its application is more challenging. The author provides many clear examples of the idea in action and a vast array of practical tips for accessing the newfound productivity that this conception makes available. Drawing on more than three decades of teaching and practice, Dr. Bugental is careful to avoid becoming esoteric. He speaks directly to his readers, describing vividly "what attending to the living moment" means in actual therapy.

Psychotherapy Isn't What You Think may just be the most important addition you make to your clinical perspective.

Partial Contents
What Is "The Living Moment"?

Living Is Only in the Now
Understanding Searching and Concern
The Necessity for Space Suits
Life Structures: Vital and Limiting
Developing and Tuning the Third Ear
A Client's Eye View
Refining and Extending Therapist Artistry
The Experiencing-Centered Orientation
Life Is Not What You Think

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Состояние: индикатор состояния хорошее; В продаже с 22.07.2022
Комментарий: ближе к отличному

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Способы доставки: почтой по предоплате

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2300 руб

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