August 21, 1957. A Soviet rocket propels a simulated nuclear warhead from Baikonur to the Kamchatka Peninsula, a distance of more than four thousand miles. Six weeks later the world is stunned by the launch of Sputnik. While the United States furiously steps up its own space program, scientists and engineers everywhere wonder how the Soviet Union was able to achieve such a coup. The answer lay within the mind of one man: Korolev.
A mysterious figure, virtually unknown even in his own country, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev masterminded not only the historic launch of Sputnik and the first intercontinental ballistic missile, but Yuri Gagarin's epochal space flight, and, ultimately, the Soviet attempt to beat America to the moon. Who was Korolev? Where did he come from? Why is so little known about him? In this groundbreaking new book, James Harford uncovers the extraordinary story of one of the true pioneers of the space program.
Based on extensive interviews with and memoirs of participating engineers and scientists, as well as family and friends, 'Korolev' affords a rare glimpse into the inner circles of a world often cloaked in secrecy and intrigue. Spanning the decades from the 1930s to the 1960s, this is a beautifully detailed blend of biography and recent history, chronicling the remarkable rise of one man from imprisonment in a Soviet gulag on trumped up charges to lead his nation's space program. It is a compelling true tale of triumph in the face of a repressive regime, and of achievement against the odds of limited resources and inferior technology.
With more than forty years' involvement with the U.S. space program, James Harford writes with authority and insight. His insider's knowledge of the sometimes precarious course of America's own space program-fueled by reaction to Soviet advances-adds both drama and authenticity. This is a high-stakes world where success and failure are equally spectacular.
The driving force behind this compelling account is Sergei Korolev's own story, including his premature death in 1966. Korolev's vision and leadership galvanized a vast military-industrial-university complex comprised of gifted, dedicated engineers and scientists. They saw the future and changed history.
21 августа 1957 года. Советская ракета продвигает смоделированную ядерную боеголовку от Байконура до полуострова Камчатка, на расстояние более четырех тысяч миль. Шесть недель спустя мир ошеломлен запуском спутника. В то время как Соединенные Штаты яростно наращивают свою собственную космическую программу, ученые и инженеры повсюду задаются вопросом, как Советский Союз смог добиться такого переворота. Ответ лежал в голове одного человека: Королева.
Загадочная фигура, практически неизвестная даже в собственной стране, Сергей Павлович Королев руководил не только историческим запуском спутника и первой межконтинентальной баллистической ракеты, но и эпохальным космическим полетом Юрия Гагарина, и, в конечном счете, сов
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