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Shibli, Numani: Siratun Nabi. The Life of the Prophet


Shibli, Numani

Siratun Nabi. The Life of the Prophet

Издательство: Delhi: Idarah-i Adabiyat-i Delli
Переплет: твердый + суперобложка; 294 страниц; 1983 г.
ISBN: [не указан]; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 18.07.2023


2nd volume of the last and most famous work of Shibli Numani written in Urdu

Sirat-un-Nabi is arguably one of the greatest and most authentic Sirah Rasul Allah (biographies) of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, written in Urdu by Shibli Nomani and his student, Sulaiman Nadvi in 6 volumes.

Nomani had only managed to complete the first two volumes when he died in 1914. His loyal disciple Syed Sulaiman Nadvi, who was working with him as his literary assistant on the project, collected his research papers and manuscripts and had them published.

Originally in Urdu, the book since has been translated into many languages. The Arabic translation of the first part of this work was done by late Muhammad Ismail Madrasi of Algiers University. It was translated into English by Tayyab Bakhsh Budayuni and Mohammad Saeed Siddiqi.

He is regarded as the father of Urdu historiography. He was also proficient in Arabic and Persian languages.
Shibli was associated with two influential movements in the region, the Aligarh and the Nadwa movements. As a supporter of the Deobandi school, he believed that English language and European sciences should be incorporated into the education system

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Продавец: Досифей отлично, более 100 оценок (Москва, RU/77 флаг)  
Состояние: индикатор состояния отличное; В продаже с 18.07.2023

Условия доставки и оплаты

Способы доставки: самовывоз; почтой по предоплате

Способы оплаты: наличными; перевод на банковский счет; банковской картой

Дополнительно: из личной библиотеки, Ленинский проспект, без торга

1600 руб

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