The radical journey into The Mystique of Spiritual Enlightenment demands the death of our mind. But our mind never wants to die. That is why it doesn't want to know the facts, secrets, and realities of life as well as spiritual enlightenment but tries to live in fantasies like the presence of immortal soul or spirit or human consciousness that never born never die. From the very first page of this radical book, we directly move into the shocking facts and realities of our existence that our analytical mind and its false self, the ego, never wants to accept. But the facts are facts. Indeed, this radical journey through spiritual enlightenment is tough and challenging, but Surinder Leen makes it understandable through examples, reasoning, science knowledge, practical and an easy question-answer format. WHO SHOULD BUY THIS BOOK? - This book is for those people who have a curious, scientific, reasoning, honest, practical and open mind. WHO SHOULD NOT BUY THIS BOOK? - This book is not for people who are the blind believer, dogmatic, conditioned, not curious to learn something new, blamer, fearful, stick to a particular religion and tradition. If you come to this category, then don't waste your time and money here as this book can make your beliefs upside down. SURINDER LEEN (Author) is a sort of philosopher, author, and teacher who has no link with any particular religion and tradition. He writes and tells about the things exactly what they are. He lives in Calgary Canada.
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