Existentialism, a philosophical term, and alienation, a psycological term, have become central concepts in the cultural life our time. This book deals with their meaning, their emergence out of the social crisises of the past century, and their influence on the style, form and motifs of American literature from the 1930's to today.
After a discussion of the philosophical background - from Kierkegaard to Heidegger - the author examines the existentialist thought of Camus and Sartre, as it applies particularly to the problem of social responsibility. He then takes up the phenomenon of alienation, as the link between social reality, existentialist philosophy, and the modern forms taken by the literary imagination.
With many illuminating comparisons in the realm of world literature he proceeds to trace the rise of alienated expression in American letters after World War I, and its increasing intensity as it turned to existentialist answers in the 1950's and into decade of the sixties.
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