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Williams, Jessica: 50 Facts That Should Change the World


Williams, Jessica

50 Facts That Should Change the World

Издательство: Icon Books Ltd
Переплет: мягкий; 296 страниц; 2007 г.
ISBN: 1-84046-646-4; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 27.01.2015


Cars kill two people every minute. More than 150 countries use torture. America spends the same on pornography as it does on foreign aid. Think you know what's going on in the world? The author will make you think again. Read about hunger, poverty, material and emotional deprivation, human rights abuses, unimaginable wealth, the decline of religion, the unstuppable rise of consumerism, mental illness, the drugs trade, corruption, gun culture, the abuse of our environment and much more in this shocking bestseller.
A research handbook for the No Logo generation. -- Guardian

Lucidly written, excellently researched and with detailed referencing, the world won't look so rosy when you've put it down. -- The Ecologist

From the Author:
50 Facts that Should Change the World is an unashamedly populist - but nonetheless serious and intelligent - book about some of the most shocking inequalities, appalling conditions, absurd contradictions and much more that abound even still in the world of the 21st century.
Jessica Williams - a brilliant journalist known for her work on the BBC's Hardtalk programme in particular - has assembled and analysed a huge breadth of material - statistical and otherwise - about an incredible range of issues, from famine in Africa to drug abuse in the West or even the percentage of Americans - one third - who believe aliens have landed on earth. It is a book that anyone interested in the state of our world should read.
Книга использовалась для подготовки и экзамену TOEFL для набора интересных и познавательных фактов.

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Состояние: индикатор состояния хорошее; В продаже с 27.04.2023
Комментарий: залом на первой обложке вертикальный посередине. этикетка магазина на задней обложке

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