A seven volume set of magical treatises, presented in this Collected Works, unabridged, being:
Vol. I - Liber Noctis (A Handbook of the Sorcerous Arte)
Vol. II - Ars Salomonis (Being of that Hidden Arte of Solomon the King) Vol. III - Ars Geomantica (Being an account and rendition of the Arte of Geomantic Divination and Magic)
Vol. IV - Ars Theurgia Goetia (Being an account and rendition of the arte and praxis of the conjuration of some of the spirits of Solomon)
Vol. V - Otz Chim (The Tree of Life) Otz Chim is a practical exploration of the magic of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
Vol. VI - Ars Speculum (Being an instruction on the arte of using mirrors and shewstones in magic)
Vol. VII - Liber Terriblis (Being an instruction on the seventy-two spirits of the Goetia) Liber Terribilis is a practical study of how to work with the seventy-two spirits of the infamous seventeenth-century Grimoire, the Goetia.
Данная работа является настоящей ЭНЦИКЛОПЕДИЕЙ оккультных и магических знаний! Фундаментальный труд!
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